Monica "Still Standing" Review

Let me start by saying that I wouldn't actually consider myself a fan of Monica, but I do like her music and her voice is very beautiful. I still get excited when I hear "So Gone" come on! She totally and completely did her thing on that track. I'm starting to sound like a fan now, huh?

Before we get into this review let's rewind to 2006, before Soulja Boy and Bump-Its, the world was such a better place. This was the same year Monica released her previous album, The Makings of Me. Then it was on my iPod, now it's not even on my computer. Even looking at the album cover, you could tell it was a very different Monica than what we were used to. The tracks on that CD were somewhat a disappointment, I remember only liking a few of them. The rest you could tell she was trying to sound like what everyone else had out at the time. From then to now, Monica has done a full 180 360 180. It's different! Check out the full review below.

"Still Standing" is giving me all that I need right now. I'm trying to think of another R&B album by a female that I'm digging right now and nothing but this comes to mind. I didn't even listen to Alicia Keys' last album like that and I loves me some Alicia!

If you haven't heard "Everything to Me" from Monica yet, crawl from under that rock you've been under *cough*subscribetothisblog*cough* and get a life. This is just one of the few love songs on here. My favorites: "Superman", "Love All Over Me" and "Everything..." There's also the break-up songs, girl get over that sorry a...ahem: "Stay or Go", "Believing In Me". And then the kind of song that you listen to when you have your eye on someone special "If You Were My Man" (loooooove that track) and "Here I am". That pretty much covers the whole album except for a few songs.

I suggest though that you take a listen for yourself. I promise you will not be disappointed.


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