This deserves it's own banner. Welcome to Flopgate '10, everybody. Over the past few days most of my posts have been directed at Christina Aguilera. Well the reason is it was pretty much a Tyra Banks situation: We were all rooting for her. And then she gives us this generic single
Not Myself Tonight. Like we've never heard that before. Furthermore, when images and previews for the single begin to surface, it becomes apparent how desperate she is. I know, I know, Lady Gaga does this kind of stuff too, but one thing that separates the two is that CH.AG has a child. This is completely inappropriate. What the hell are you going to do when you're child is a teenager? More like what the hell is your child going to think when he sees this video? A new promotional image under the cut. NSFW (Possibly)

(I was disappointed to find no visible nipple in this picture.)